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Sunday, April 9, 2017

The specific nutritional need of adolescence;

Adolescence, special needs, boys, girls, fast food,

The dietary supplement for the adolescent;

The adolescent phase;

Adolescence can be a difficult course to pass because young people know the physical 
and psychological mutation very quickly. 
It is often a period of change in eating habits, marked by an abuse of confectionery 
and fatty foods, as well as a breaking up of meals by nibbling. 
Social pressure pushes some young people, especially girls, to skip meals 
and make diets to stay slim. 
These diets result in deficiencies in protein, mineral salts and vitamins, 
with all the repercussions that one can image on physical health, but also on 
the mood and the behavior.

The cases of boys:

In a few years between 12 and 17 years in general, boys take about 26 kg 
and grow by 26 cm. 
They need protein to build muscle and can, if they are very active, burn up 
to 4000 calories per day. 
Their diet does not always provide enough mineral salts and vitamins, 
as they often lack fruits and vegetables.

The cases of girls:               

Between 11 and 15 years, the adolescent girl grows about 23 cm and grows 21 kg. 
For appearance issues, especially weight, nutritional deficiencies are 
more common in girls than in the boys. 
In addition, menstrual cycles sometimes trigger an increased need for iron and zinc. 
Irregular and painful menstruation can be explained by nutritional deficiencies. 
Sometimes the pill is prescribed in this case, it should be noted that it also increases 
the body's need for certain nutrients.

Fast food:

A diet based on sandwiches, hamburgers, sweets and sodas brings too much salt, 
fat and sugar. 
And is not rich enough in fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins.

Specific needs of adolescence:

Many minerals are essential for growth. 
Bones need calcium and vitamin D that allows the body to fix calcium, 
and may be lacking in adolescents who do not absorb enough fats, but also magnesium, 
Boron, vitamin K, Zinc, copper and manganese.
Phosphorus is also needed, but food intake is still sufficient. 
Allowing a deficiency in teenage bones may increase the risk of osteoporosis later. 
The intake of zinc, manganese, chromium and selenium is sometimes deficient in a small diet. 
Vitamins C and P may be missed if the teen does not eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables. 
Vitamin B intake easily falls to the recommended level. 
However, these vitamins are very important, especially in the case of antibiotic treatment 
against acne and young girls who take the pill.
Zinc, vitamin A and vitamin F, especially Omega 3 fatty acids, are recommended 
for young people with skin problems. 
Finally, adolescents, especially girls with very heavy menstruation, 
have increased iron requirements.

Food supplements:

The supplements do not dispense with having a healthy and varied diet.
Indeed, there are foods that are essential to our body and not yet identified, so there are no food supplements.
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