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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Healthy eating, Nutrients to be avoided, Precautions to be taken, Nutritional supplements;

The role of vitamins and minerals in the pregnancy phase;

The energy requirement during pregnancy and lactation;

The woman needs 200 to 300 extra calories per day during pregnancy, and 600 to 1000 during breastfeeding. Doctors usually prescribe a small amount of folic acid during the first months of pregnancy and iron supplements thereafter. For other supplements of minerals or vitamins, it is essential to seek the advice of a physician beforehand.

A healthy diet:

The diet of a pregnant woman should not be fundamentally different from that which is advised for any adult, with a few exceptions. Protein intake should be more important to ensure the development of the baby and placenta. In addition, the diet must be sufficiently rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and iron. Otherwise, these nutrients will fail for the baby, who will go to find them where they are in the tissues and bones of his mother, creating a deficit in her body.

Nutrients to avoid:

  Excess sugar. 
  The stimulants, so the consumption of tea and coffee must be limited. 
  Tobacco and alcohol. 
  The liver, which may contain too much vitamin A. 
  Raw milk cheese and pastries due to the risk of listeriosis. 

Precaution to take:

Hygiene precautions are essential when preparing meals. 
Care must be taken to wash the raw vegetables, to cook the meat well, and so on. 

Nutritional supplements:

  Vitamin and mineral supplements can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby. 
  Calcium and magnesium are needed for muscle activity including cardiac activity, 
blood clotting and proper functioning of the nervous system. 
  They are the promise of healthy teeth and strong bones for the child. 
  They also help to combat the risk of hypertension in the mother, 
and can alleviate insomnia and cramps. 
  Iron plays an essential role in the red blood cells of the mother and child. 
  In addition to the supplements prescribed by the doctor, it is good to consume 
foods containing iron such as meat, fish.
  Iron is better absorbed when eaten with foods rich in vitamin C at the same time. 
  Zinc contributes to developing the baby's immune system and preventing 
the formation of stretch marks in the mother. 
  Sodium deficiency can affect the placenta, while excess can lead to water retention 
and high blood pressure. 
  Iodine is essential during pregnancy and may be provided by sea salt or iodized 
table salt, as well as by sea fish. 
  Folic acid needs are doubled during pregnancy. 
  It is known that a deficiency increases the risk of spinal bifida and other 
abnormalities of the nervous system in the fetus.
  Therefore, take prescribed supplements and consume foods rich in folic acid, 
  especially leafy vegetables in particular.
  Vitamins C, P, B6 and beta-carotene are needed at higher doses. 
            Vitamins C and P would help prevent hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
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