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Thursday, June 18, 2015

The role of minerals in the body;

Dietary sources of minerals, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus;

Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorous;

It is to the body that the relationship between calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus are balanced, especially for bone health.
1. While these three minerals generally act together, they can also compete.
2. Together, they build bones and ensure their maintenance.
3. They participate in transmission of nerve impulses and allow normal functioning of muscles.
4. But calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus can compete at the time of absorption by the body and is often the phosphorus prevails, impeding the uptake of the other two minerals.
5. Many nutritionists believe that in developed countries, the diet does not provide enough magnesium or calcium, and is however too high in phosphorus.


1. Calcium is the most inorganic salt present in the body.
2. It is involved in blood clotting, probably has an effect on the prevention of colon cancer and helps balance nervous.


1. Magnesium is essential for metabolic reactions.
2. Present in small quantities in the body.
3. It allows the conversion of food into energy, the formation of new cells and the relaxation of the muscles, including those that line the arterial walls.
4. It likely explains its preventive action on certain cardiovascular diseases.


1. Phosphorous comes after the calcium in abundance in the body.
2. It is essential for energy production at the cellular level and in the composition of cell members.
3. It also promotes the action of certain vitamins B.

Food sources of minerals:

1. If calcium is present in many foods, few would contain much, with the exception of milk, cheese and dairy products.
2. Green vegetables and fruits also provide in small amounts.
3. To be absorbed Calcium needs vitamin D.
4. Magnesium is found in vegetables, in varying amounts depending on the quality of soil cultivation.
5. Most oilseeds, nuts, and whole grains contain magnesium; refining operations can lose up to 85 percent of cereal initial magnesium content.  
6. You should know that when boiling vegetables, magnesium escapes into the water.
7. Opt for a steaming or use the cooking water to make a sauce or soup.
8. Phosphorus is found in meat, eggs, grains and seeds.
9. Sodas also contain large quantities and abuses of these drinks contribute to excess phosphorus in the body.
9. Although calcium and magnesium intake is generally sufficient, poor intestinal absorption may cause a deficiency.
10. This mal-absorption can sometimes be due to insufficient production of stomach acid.    
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