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Monday, June 19, 2017

How to protect the heart;

Known Risks for Cardiovascular Disease, How to make Lifestyle and Dietetic;

How to help heart avoiding heart disease;

Causes of cardiac heart disease;

Cardiovascular diseases have developed considerably in industrial countries. 
But they are also beginning to affect parts of the Third World whose inhabitants 
have adopted a lifestyle and a diet comparable to that of the inhabitants 
of industrialized countries. If one does not master exactly all the causes of evil, 
then he should begin glimpsing them.

The known risks for cardiovascular disease:

·         Smoking remains the most easily avoided cardiovascular disease.
·         Raising blood cholesterol levels is an undeniable risk factor.
·         It is also likely that some nutritional deficiency prevents a good fluidization 
of the blood, which may favor the formation of thrombosis or blood clot.
·         Hypertension weakens the heart and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
·         Obesity, diabetes and lack of exercise are all factors that can increase blood pressure.
·         Stress can also generate hypertension by stimulating adrenaline production, 
especially if its effects are increased tenfold. 
·         As well as the abuse of caffeine and alcohol, and an unbalanced diet.
·         The lack of exercise causes heart muscle being lacked training.
·         Like all the other muscles of the body, it needs to be solicited to remain performant.
·         Family backgrounds make some families appear more vulnerable 
to cardiovascular disease than others.
·         This risk factor can to some extent be offset by a healthy lifestyle.

How to make lifestyle and diet:

Ø  Stop smoking.
Ø  If you are overweight, try to lose weight so that you can get close to 10 percent 
of your ideal weight.
Ø  Consume lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which contain fiber to help 
lower cholesterol.
Ø  Reduce animal fat from cheese, meats, butter and pastries.
Ø  Try to limit the proportion of body fat to 30 percent of total caloric intake, 
or about 50 to 80 g per day.
Ø  Eat fatty fish at least twice a week.
Ø  Limit salt, sugar and alcohol.
Practice physical exercise three or four times a week, but after 50 years it is advisable 
to consult a doctor or physician before going into sport, 
see the specific nutritional need of adolescence.
Ø  For an intense and unusual practice, seek medical advice from the age of 30 years.   

How to help the heart to avoid heart disease:

ü  Vitamins C, B3, B6, E and F, chromium and selenium limit fatty deposits that block 
the arteries.
ü  Magnesium and potassium regulate the activity of the heart muscle and have 
a beneficial action against hypertension.
ü  Because of their antioxidant effect, selenium and vitamin E appear to reduce 
the risk of heart attack.
ü  Zinc accelerates the regeneration of injured tissues, but, at too high doses more 
than 100 mg per day, it can increase cholesterol.
ü  Associated with magnesium, calcium maintains a steady heart rate.
ü  Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils protect the 
heart by regulating blood cholesterol levels.
üThese supplements should be taken at a moderate dose and on medical 
advice to avoid any nutritional imbalance.
The Main Aim◄►Health For All ☼ Clean Environment 

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