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Thursday, February 23, 2017

The child's nutritional needs;

Breast milk, infant milk, milk to choose, first solid foods, food supplements;

A varied and balanced diet;

From birth to two years;

Babies need healthy diet to grow well and stay healthy. 
Knowledge in the field of nutrition indicates that an adopted diet is not only essential 
for growth, but it plays a major role from birth in the maturation of the brain 
and the psychomotor development of the young child.

Breast milk:

In the days following delivery, the mammary gland produces liquid called colostrums. 
This antibody rich substance stimulates the immune system of the newborn, 
which it prepares to fight against infections. The rising of milk occurs after a few days, 
thanks to its high content of fat and vitamin E nourishes brain cells 
and strengthens the immune system of the baby. 
The amount of nutrient in breast milk changes to meet the needs of the infant. 
A well nourished mother supplies her child with the necessary nutrients 
for the first six months.

Infant milk:

The quality of infant milk can be improved by adding vitamins or mineral salts 
or by selecting adopted proteins based on the composition of breast milk.

Milk to choose:

After the infant milk, comes milk to choose immediately, around nine or ten months. 
From the age of two, semi-skimmed milk, enriched with nutrients, is suitable 
if the child has no growth problem. Nutritionists discourage skim milk 
because it contains too few calories and fat soluble vitamins.

First solid foods for baby:

The first solid foods to give to babies are mixed cooked fruits and vegetables, 
as well as specific cereals such as gluten free porridge, avoiding excessive salt 
or sweetening. Up to first year, the baby's appetite increases rapidly. And afterwards, 
it stabilizes, at the same time that growth slows down. At about the same period, 
the child begins to manifest his tastes and dislikes. It is better not to create conflict 
at the meal time by taking to impose dishes that he refuses. 
It is important to vary his diet and get him used to consuming foods rich 
in essential nutrients rather than sweets.

Food supplements for child:

Most doctors prescribe vitamin D supplements to prevent rickets in daily intake up to the age of two, then in an annual catch at the start of winter until the age of five. So pediatricians recommend that parents give their child some fluoride every day to prevent further formation of cavities. It is essential to follow the doctor's instructions and dosage carefully. Any excess can be harmful. For the rest and a healthy child, a varied and well balanced diet covers all nutritional needs.
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