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Monday, March 4, 2013

How to cure cancer;

Cancer, how to treat and to cure, palliative, remission; the earlier cancer is found, the higher chance is cured;

 What is Palliative cancer?

What is the form of cancer’s remission?

Can cancer be treated and cured?

The answer is yes, but not always, because cured means that cancer has been removed and gone away without expecting to come back. Doctors know that certain cancers tend to come back quickly. For as the testicular cancer, if it is going to come back, it tends to be coming within three years, while the breast cancer may come back from fifteen to twenty years later. Knowing how quick the cancer is coming back depends on the type of the cancer

       How likely the cancer can be cured

Depends on many factors, such as the type of cancer, some are easily to cure, while others are hardly to cure;
How quick the cancer is detected, the earlier a cancer is found, the higher the chance of a cure;
Whether the cancer has spread and how much, if the cancer has not spread, it is usually easier to cure;
The age and the state of person’s health. 
All these factors are involved in determining the possibly cure from cancer.

      Palliative cancer

This is the cancer that can not be cured, although cancer can not always be cured, but it can always be treated. 
Treatment may give a patient many extra good quality life or years of worthwhile, as it can also relieve the symptoms caused by the cancer, such as pains.

     Remission cancer

This means one of two forms; when the cancer goes away after treatment and there is no longer any sign of it, this is the complete remission, but this complete remission is not the same as a cure;
Because there may still be some cancer cells in the body that can’t be detected by the doctors, and so it is too early to be considered as a cure. 
The second form is when the cancer has shrunk; it is not a cure as the cancer is still there. 
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