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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of Castor beans;

Medicinal uses of castor beans, Constipation treatment by castor oil, Birth control by castor seeds, Dry eyes soothing by castor oil, Safety and Side effects of castor beans, precaution of castor seeds;

Stimulating labor in pregnancy women by castor oil;

Other uses of castor oil;

Castor or Ricinus plant «Demba iwndungalam in Peulh language» are shrubs or plants that produce seeds or beans, which in turn yield oil by pressing the ripe seeds after removing the hulls or outer coatings. Castor plant finds its origin in East Africa, but nowadays, castor plants are grown as a crop in many countries as there is an increase demand for castor seeds. Many households in America grow castor plants in their backyard or garden as it helps to keep the pests at bay. It is used for painful joints, unhealthy skin, or many other ailments.
This is a castor plant

Other uses of castor oil:

Castor oil has been used as a medicine for centuries. The hull of castor plant contains a deadly poison called ricin. But castor seeds without the hull are safe and used for birth control, as a laxative for constipation, leprosy, syphilis.
The oil of castor is used to start labor in pregnancy, and the flow of breast milk. Castor seed can be pasted to the skin as a poultice for inflammatory skin disorders, boils, carbuncles, abscesses, middle ear inflammation, headaches and migraine.
Castor oil can be used topically to soften skin, bunions, corns, and to dissolve cysts, growths, and warts. The oil is also applied to the skin for osteoarthritis. Some women put castor oil inside the vagina to cause an abortion. Castor oil can be used in the eyes to soothe membranes irritated by dust or other substances.
Castor seeds can be used in manufactures to make paints, varnishes, and as lubricating oil. Ricin from the hull of castor beans is a chemical warfare agent. The hull is poison and when powdered into particles becomes the smaller the particles, the more poisonous the ricin.

Medicinal uses of castor beans:

Constipation treatment by castor oil:

Castor bean is used to produce castor oil, which is strong laxative for reducing constipation when taken by mouth, but not a great dose to avoid diarrhea.

Birth control by castor seeds:

Castor oil is used to control birth because a single dose of castor seeds without the hull can work as a contraceptive for up to one year.

Dry eyes soothing by castor oil:

Using eye drops containing castor oil might be effective for people with dry eyes.

Stimulating labor in pregnancy by castor oil:

In pregnancy women this oil is used to start labor by stimulating the uterus. A single dose of 60 ml of castor oil can start labor within 24 hours for many pregnancy women, but this should be taken under supervision of a healthcare provider.

Safety and Side effects of beans:

Castor oil is likely safe for most people when taken by mouth as a single dose, without the hull. But in some people, castor oil can cause stomach discomfort, nausea, faintness, and cramping. Castor oil may be unsafe when taken by mouth for long term or in large doses. It might cause fluid and potassium loss from the body when used for more than a week or in doses more than 15 to 60 ml per day.

Precaution of castor seeds:

The whole seed is unsafe to take by mouth, all taken the castor seeds should be without the hulls. The outer coating of the castor seed contains a deadly poison. This coating can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dehydrate, shock, blood cell destruction, severe fluid, chemical disturbances, kidney, liver, pancreas, and death. It is worth noting that chewing few whole seeds can kill an adult, while swallowing whole seed the poisoning is less likely. See the virtues of Combretum.
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