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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Virtues therapeutic of Combretum glutisum;

Ecology and distribution of Combretum glutisum, Benefit of the leaves, Benefit of the roots, Instructions for diuretic and hypotensive, Traditional medicine;

Other uses of Combretum glutisum;

Plant Description of Combretum glutisum;

The plant Combretum glutisum; "Dooki en Pular" is a small tree or shrub, grows up to 12 m tall, up to 60 cm in diameter, often crooked or branchy at the base, with rounded crown and open. The leaves are alternate. The bark is rough and fluted, gray. Branches are dense, gray and shortly hairy. Flowering is in the dry season, depends on the period of bushfires. The inflorescences consist of compact auxiliary spikes with yellow flowers, hairy creams. The fruit has four yellowish wings, becoming brown when ripe.
Dooki or Combretum glutisum plant

Ecology and distribution of Combretum glutisum:

Combretum glutisum is found in the Sahelian zones, grassy and wooded savannas, on all types of soils. It is particularly resistant to aridity, surviving where grasses cannot, and re-growing very quickly after fires. This plant is distributed from Senegal to Cameroon, to Sudan, and often abundant and gregarious on sandy and degraded soils.

Medicinal benefits of Combretum glutisum:

Combretum glutisum has interesting medicinal properties, especially for the treatment of hepatitis B, diuretic, depurative and cholagogue properties. Other proven effects of Combretum glutisum include improved urine output, reduced hypertension, removal of bladder stones, and antitussive and disinfectant properties of the leaves. See medicinal uses of acacia.

Benefits of the leaves:

The leaves are used for coughing, bronchitis, as well as for hepatobiliary disease, haematuric, vomiting, coryza, constipation, colic, anorexia, malaria, anemia, headache, and wounds. They enter in a mixture of plants as anti-iatric. They are diuretic, cholagogue, expectorant and laxative.

Benefits of the roots:

The roots are used to treat gonorrhea, stomachaches, intestinal worms, coughs, syncope, bronchitis, and cattle pneumonia. The roots and the branches are used for antiemetic, for colic and sexual asthenia.

Instructions of use for diuretic and hypotensive:

Make a decoction of 30 grams of leaves per liter a day, and check the decrease in weight and tension. Want to calm the cough, make the same decoction after adding honey by tablespoon.

Traditional medicine:

Combretum glutisum is very popular in traditional medicine. A decoction or infusion of leaves, bark or fruit is very common, especially to treat urinary, liver and kidney problems, and so all kinds of problems regarding impotence, fever, intestinal disorders and clean lesions and wounds. Crushed or powdered leaves or bark serve as a dressing for the wounds. A decoction of leaves added in the bath water is used in case of general fatigue. The gum of the bark is used to seal dental caries. Young shoots and roots have a reputation of being aphrodisiacs.

Other uses of Combretum glutisum:

The leaves, stems, bark, roots, of this plant are important sources of yellow dyes, yellow-brown for cotton fabrics. These dyes are also used to dye leather, mats made of various vegetable fibers. The leaves and the fresh young provide useful forage and very appreciated by all the cattle in the Sahelian zones. Yellowing, hard and very strong wood is used in construction to make tool handles, and as well as firewood. The flowers are used in beekeeping. Wood ash from Combretum glutisum is widely used in dyeing. The wood ash detergent is used for the manufacture of traditional soap.
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