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Monday, March 25, 2019

Benefits of Hyphaene thebaica;

Dosage to Consume Hyphaene Thebaica Fruit, Instruction for use of Hyphaene thebaica fruit, Diabetes and Hypertension Treatment by Hyphaene thebaica;

Kernels of Hyphaene thebaica against allergies and asthma;

Medicinal properties of Hyphaene thebaica;

The palm tree Hyphaene thebaica "Gelleyi in Peulh language" Doum in Arabic, is a species of perennial palm tree several meters high. The fruit is used in herbal medicine. The fruit of this tree is one of the fruit varieties known for a long time. The doum fruit is apple-shaped, with a bright brown-to-skin ornament, very palatable, sweet and very aromatic. The tree grows in the wild, and on the banks of the valleys. We consume the outer part of the fruit, once ripe the stone becomes very solid, and the size of an egg. When the fruit turns green you can break the bark to eat the white kernel, as soon as it turns red, you can chew the bark that contains a sweet sap. The main components are vitamin C, flavonoids, saponin and tannins.
This is the Hyphaene thebaica tree

Medicinal properties of Hyphaene thebaica:

The fruit of the doum; improves memory, protects teeth, cleans the digestive tract, treats fistulas, treats hemorrhoids, treats skin diseases.
Fight against baldness, prevents hair loss, against infertility in women, anti-dysuria, and purifies the blood.
Used to treat throat pain, rid of freckles, and help in the treatment of tracheal infections.
Lowers blood cholesterol, lowers the rise in the level of the male hormone, protects against sunburn.
Help in the treatment of asthma, and treatment of the prostate, it is a hypotensive, anti cholesterol.
Helps in the treatment of disorders of sexual ability in men, increases the number of spermatozoa, and reduces the development of atherosclerosis.

Dosage to consume the fruit of the doum:

Macerate the doum fruits in cold water for more than six hours, and once the soaking is finished put on the heat but without boiling, otherwise it will become bitter. The purpose of heating is for sterilization, and after, sweetening to suit. Cool, filter and drink. It can be eaten as a fruit or juice.

How to use Hyphaene thebaica fruit:

The juice oxidizes quickly, so you have to put it in the fridge. Crush or blend the outer shell, put three tablespoons in a glass of water and drink it three to four cups a day. Thus one can grind the flesh of the dry fruit, and by mixing it with honey.
The nuts of the fruit, for use against allergies and asthma, it must be crushed and calcined, and put a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water and let infuse some ten minutes, after filtering and drinking three times per day. See the benefits of castor beans.
Note: doum tea is popular in Egypt and believes to be good for the treatment of diabetes. It has been used by Egyptians as traditional medicine for the treatment of hypertension. 
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