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Sunday, January 28, 2018

How important of Trees;

Important roles of trees, Environmental benefits of trees, Personal benefits of trees;

Disadvantages of Cutting Trees;

Issues to Cutting Trees;

There are obvious disadvantages to cutting down trees in the wild, especially in temperate and rain forests areas. Trees cutting destroy ecosystem, generate soils erosions, flooding, and climate changes.

Issues to Cutting Trees: 

When people cut down trees, the soil will be less healthy, they may experience flooding, and there will be no natural filters for the air around.
Erosions by wind or runoff water; trees act as windbreakers. People living in windy areas might experience even greater problems with wind.
Flooding; deforestation leads to major flooding problems, since a much greater amount of the water arrives at the ground instead of being absorbed by the trees and other plants. Flooding can wash away top soil and can be a danger to human life.
Climate Change; the loss of trees contributes to climate change as more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, trapping carbon dioxide that can contribute to accelerating global warming. This climate change can have a devastating effect on weather patterns and sea levels.  

Important roles of trees:

Trees provide much of the oxygen people breathe. They are essential habitats for animals, many of which may be endangered. Trees improve air quality for humans and other animals by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Trees help to create a pleasing landscape and are an integral part of many worlds’ areas of natural beauty. Trees can drastically reduce a homeowner’s energy costs because they act as a barrier, blocking the cold winter wind, and shading a house in the hottest months of summer. When a house is put on the market, a well landscaped yard with trees often increases in the value. Trees play a great role in controlling rainfall and provide gases that restore the atmosphere. Trees help prevent erosion, landslides and infertile soil.

Environmental benefits of trees:

Trees are an important part of ecosystem, preventing soil erosion, eliminating some of the chemicals and pollutants in the ground, and reducing storm water runoff that can flood basement. Trees can help homeowners breathe easier as they reduce particulates, particles given off by burning fuels that can harm the lungs in the air. Trees also reduce the amount of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide in the areas as well.

Personal benefits of trees:

Trees can enhance a homeowner’s life. Trees house birds, some of which eat insects and are pleasant to watch. Some species of trees flower or provide edible fruits as well. Their shade can make activities such as gardening, picnicking and reading possible on hot summer days. Leaves of deciduous trees change color, providing a beautiful display. Trees can improve mood, which is good for health. Therefore, a homeowner will experience many personal disadvantages if they cut down trees, such as more limited use of their yards, more insects and less peaceful natural beauty. Trees play a large variety of vital roles in the Earth’s ecosystem, weather patterns, soil richness ad air quality. The destruction of trees has been occurring for a long period of time for variety reasons, like the need for lumber and the need for farmland. However, a lack of awareness of the importance of trees has led to much disastrous consequences than the advantages of cutting them down.
The Main Aim◄►Health For All ☼ Clean Environment 

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