Medicinal properties of Cassia Tora, Medicinal Uses of Cassia Tora, and Contraindication for long term using of Cassia Tora;
It is safe to take Cassia
Tora in low dosage for a short term period, but do not take it excess dosage.
In excess it has many ill-effects, such as lower RBCs, reduced weight and water
intake. In males it may cause reduced sperm count and may cause loose motions,
as well as mild diuretic effect. Please note, this plant should not be taken
for long term period.
Health benefits of Cassia Seeds;
What is Cassia plant?
Cassia Tora is an herbaceous annual foetid
herb. The plant can grow up from 30 to 90 centimeters tall and consists of
alternative pinnate leaves with leaflets mostly with three opposite pairs that
are obovate in shape with rounded tip. The leaves grow up from three to four
and half centimeters long. The stems have distinct smelling foliage when young.
The flowers occur in pairs in axils of leaves with five petals and pale yellow
in color. Cassia Tora is an herbal, pure, natural and non polluted green health
beverage, in some countries it is believed to rejuvenate human vision.
Additionally, the tea has created a new term of
coffee-tea, because of its mysterious but very rich taste and its coffee aroma,
with no artificial color and no caffeine, and could be a healthier substitute
for coffee and sodas. Since Cassia Tora has an external germicide and
anti-parasitic character, it has been used for treating skin diseases such as
leprosy, ringworm, itching, and psoriasis and also snakebites
Medicinal properties of Cassia Tora:
Cassia Tora is rich in medicinal properties, the
understanding these properties will help to better utilize this herb and to
know the conditions in which it should be avoided, the plant characterizes to:
Anthelmintic and Vermifuge; it is used to destroy parasitic worms.
Antioxidant; it neutralizes the oxidant effect of free radicals and other
substances. Ant-parasitic; it expels parasitic worms such as helminthes, and
other parasites from the body. Antiperioditic; it prevents regular recurrence
symptoms of a disease, as in malaria. Antiseptic; it is capable to prevent
infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents. Depurative; it is a
purifying agent. Laxative and Purgative; it is tending to stimulate or
facilitate evacuation of the bowls in some cases it can be strongly laxative or
purgative in effect. Hepatoprotective and Stomachic; it prevents damage to the
liver and also stimulates gastric activity.
Medicinal Uses of Cassia Tora:
Cassia Tora has many uses, the whole plant as well as
specific parts such as roots, leaves and seeds have been used widely in
traditional medicine. The plant seeds are edible, young leaves can be cooked as
a vegetable while the roasted seeds are a good substitute for coffee, its
flowers can be added to food. Cassia Tora plant can be used as a natural
pesticide in organic farms and its powder is most commonly used in the pet food
industry. The seeds and leaves are also used to treat skin disease and its seeds
can be utilized as a laxative, the leaves of Cassia Tora are used to treat
arthritis and swellings.
Health benefits of Cassia Seeds:
The seeds are used as coffee substitute and they have
antioxidant properties. They protect liver from damage, and used to treat
herpes, diseases of eyes and to heal infected sores. They have hypertensive
action and used to lower blood pressure. The intake of the seeds gives relief
in constipation. Also the intake of roasted seeds helps
in headache. Externally, the seeds are mashed in vinegar or alcohol and applied
on eczema, or the seed paste with turmeric and mustard oil is applied topically.
The decoction of whole plant is given as a vermifuge and purgative. The root of
the plant is used as a bitter tonic, stomachic and the leaves as an anti-periodic
aperients and Anthelmintic.
Nutritional benefits of Cassia Tora:
The leaves of Cassia Tora are consumed abundantly in
the Sahel country areas, especially at the beginning of wintering, it grows
very quickly from the first rainfall and after a week the leaves should be
consumable in sauces with African couscous. It is a Rescuer plant that
intervenes during the difficult time of the year.
This is the Cassia Tora Plant or Uulo
The Main Aim◄►Health For All ☼ Clean Environment
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