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Sunday, January 17, 2016

The benefits of mineral salt Molybdenum;

Molybdenum, Food Sources, Deficit Contribution, Useful supplement, Toxic excess;  

Best complement of molybdenum;

The role of molybdenum in the body;

Molybdenum is present in many foods and its contribution seems generally sufficient, especially as the needs of the body are minimal. It enters in several components of enzymes, which allow the metabolism of proteins. It helps the body neutralize some toxic organic compounds and is involved in the processing of iron and copper, thus helping to prevent anemia. It contributes to good condition of the teeth and bones, as it promotes the retention of fluorine.

Food sources of molybdenum:

Molybdenum is found in whole grains, dried legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, liver and other organ meats. It uses the same pathways to the body as copper.

Molybdenum deficient intake:

In case of deficit contribution! Deficiencies are rare and linked to a state of malnutrition or mal-absorption. They can cause vomiting, visual disturbances and breathing disorders.

Molybdenum useful addition:

A supplement may be useful! If your diet consists mainly of refined foods and junk food. If you are taking copper supplements. During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult a doctor before taking any supplements of vitamins or minerals.

Toxic excess of Molybdenum:

The molybdenum overload is rare and mainly observed in inhalation of industrial fumes. It causes copper losses in the urine and promotes the onset of gout. In practice, if you want to take a supplement of molybdenum, it is preferable that it be integrated with a set of well balanced minerals containing copper.
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