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Monday, December 21, 2015

The benefits of mineral salt iodine;

Iodine Food sources, Deficient intake, Useful supplement, Excess toxic;

Factors affecting of contained iodine;

The role of iodine in the diet;

Iodine is a gas dissolved in water, and is an essential nutrient. Without it, the thyroid gland can not produce enough of the hormones involved in the metabolic transformation of fat into energy, regulate cholesterol and stabilize weight. These hormones are necessary for reproduction and the normal development of brain cells. Iodine also involved in immune activity, see also the benefits of mineral salts.

      Iodine Food Sources:

  1. The amount of iodine contained in the diet varies considerably from one region to another. 
  2. It depends on several factors, such as the iodine content of the soil, livestock feed, including milk, eggs, meat, and so from fish and seafood, and possibly algae in diet, amount of sea salt or salt iodine ingested. 
  3. Iodine is not stored in the body, the intake should be regular.

      Iodine intake deficiency:

  1. In case of loss of iodine! 
  2. When the diet supply does not provide enough iodine, the thyroid gland is promoted excessively, causing its hypertrophy and goiter. 
  3. It is often associated with weight gain, a slow movement, reluctance and even a decrease of intellectual faculties. 
  4. In infants and young children, iodine deficiency is serious because it causes growth abnormalities and sometimes irreversible mental retardation.

      Iodine useful complement:

  1. An iodine supplement may be useful! 
  2. When the content of iodine in the soil is low and you do not eat enough fish and seafood. 
  3. If you follow a reduced calorie diet. 
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, but one should consult a doctor before taking a dietary supplement.

      Iodine excess toxic:

  1. Excess iodine can be toxic? 
  2. Iodine is easily removed intoxication is very unlikely when intake is due only to natural foods. 
  3. In contrast, too supplements rich in iodine and certain derivatives of algae may cause an accumulation of iodine in the organism. 
  4. Paradoxically, the very high doses have the same effect as a deficit; they cause the formation of goiter and reduced thyroid production. 
  5. In practice, a balanced diet, using sea salt or iodine salt will suffice. 
  6. Iodized in a controlled manner, the iodine salt can effectively overcome a deficiency of iodine intake.
  7. Moderate consumption of seaweed can also be recommended. 
  8. Preparations multi minerals sometimes contain iodine in small quantity.
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