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Saturday, January 25, 2014

The foods for good form;

What are the disadvantages of unbalanced foods?

How to adopt food reform?

To maintaining good form it is necessary to be aware what to consume because there are different types of foods, some are very bad foods or bad foods, and others are foods to be eaten moderately, or recommended foods.

Foods to be consumed moderately

1.    According to individual tolerance, pasta, semolina, couscous, mixed with vegetables or nutritional yeast or beans.
2.    Vegetables, such as beans, peas, soybeans, chickpeas, especially beans and soybeans properly combined with cereals in a ratio of one to three, and eaten at the same time, provide a balanced diet of protein that is to say amino acids essential to the body.
3.    Fresh cheese or cooked hard cheese; gruyere, county, local cheese made ​​from curdled milk, goat cheese, and other unfermented white cheese, and raw butter.
4.    Fresh eggs; two or three for a week, combined with greens or incorporated into the pastry, in dishes of tubers, complete flour, they are often more digestible. 
5.    To note; cooking egg until the white and yellow turn black, so the egg is overcooked and it is intoxicating, putting in boiling water, fresh egg should not stay more than ten minutes.
6.    Sweetening the food; use jam with cane sugar, confectionery and pastries with honey or cane sugar, and no chemical dye.

Recommended foods

1.    All vegetables, green or not, as spinach, squash, eggplant, peppers, carrots, radish, green cabbage, red cabbage, cucumber, green beans, lettuce, turnips.
2.    All green leaves used for sauces, consumed especially raw, or cooked in good conditions.
3.    Whole grains; maize, millet, sorghum, rice, wheat in various forms. 
4.    Whole grains or without the big sound, sometimes irritating to the digestive tract, sponge body water in obese and do not aggravate the evil, as in the cases of white flours that are too sieved or refined.
5.    Whole meal pasta; whole meal bread or rye bread, sprout seeds, preferably, eaten raw or barely cooked. 
6.    Pastries or cakes made ​​at home.
7.    Unrefined oils; olive oil or peanut oil, first cold pressed, extracted without solvents or refining. 
8.    It is possible to use for cooking, a mixture of equal parts of olive oil, first cold pressed and plain peanut oil. 
9.    Palm oil obtained after the first firing of fresh walnuts, and also coconut or cashews, raw peanuts or quickly grilled or boiled to be consumed moderately, as well as sesame seeds or pumpkin.

Other good foods:      

1.    Some other good foods are black olives desalted by soaking in water, yoghurt or curd without abused, good quality honey unheated at the time of harvest.
2.    Fruits; all fruits of the country, preferably raw and ripe, and dried fruits. 
3.    Do not mix different types of fruits such as sweet fruits, fruit acids, and mid-acidic fruits.

Different categories of fruits

1.    Sweet fruits, such as date, and very ripe fresh banana, sweet potato, avocado, melon and watermelon should be eaten alone, far from the main meal, or in place of these meals, if you do not hunger. 
2.    Fruit mid-acids, such as mango, guava, papaya, apple, grape, sapodilla, etc…. 
3.    Acid fruits, like pineapple, lemon, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, sour sop, kiwi, etc.


1.    To preserve vitamins in fruits and vegetables, it must be grated or cut only at the time of consumption. 
2.    Do not cook with lot of water, do not throw the cooking water, and be minding on the quality of vegetables and fruits that you buy.

Drinks and beverages

1.    Filtered water of rains, sources, and wells are excellent. 
2.    The juices obtained by pressing fresh fruits just a few minutes before eating. 
3.    Not keep juices in the bottles, not too longtime to refrigerators because they oxidize quickly. 
4.    Take light herbal infusions as lemongrass, Quinqueliba, thyme or rosemary, mint, etc. at the end of meals.

For children

1.    Food has a significant influence on brain and physical development of the child.
2.    And that from before birth.

Unbalanced and excessively cooked foods

1.    Disrupt the growth of the child. 
2.    They are acidifying and therefore decalcifying because to neutralize the acids the body must draw calcium from its reserves.
3.    Whereas it is non-existent in children, which has a constant need for this mineral to form its skeleton.


1.    Overeating causes overload proteins, such as, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk foods, beans, etc.
2.    And it causes decalcification and nervousness.

Excess sugar and flour or powdered milk

1.    Excess in these ingredients causes digestive disorders.
2.    Enlarges tonsils and lymphoid tissues, provokes diabetes, etc.
3.    Children under this regime are big, puffy, and not very resistant to microbial infections.


1.    Supercharging foods, on the one hand, and the lack of basic nutrients, on the other hand, quickly expose the child to organic fragility and epidemics.
2.    So this child may suffer from a young age to chronic diseases, especially constipation, liver failure, asthma, arthritis, etc..

  Some advices

1.    Without subjecting the child to a depuration treatment care must be taken to provide him a balanced diet.
2.     Give him good habits in nutrition, and not be haunted by the idea that overfeeding the child can give him forces. 
3.    So you must avoid stuffing him with the synthetic vitamins.
Basic development blog!

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