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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Medical benefits of coriander herb

Medical benefits of coriander include improving digestion, strengthening the heart and preventing palpitations, treating sores and itching, reducing joint pain, strengthening the stomach and deworming, quiet sleep, expelling gases and removing disorders, reducing blood sugar levels, ridding the body of toxins, reducing the level of harmful cholesterol -Stimulate liver function, strengthen immune system

Coriander benefits in reducing frequent urination and drip

How to use coriander to remove gases

Coriander is one of the fruits that are characterized by its spherical shape and is a popular grass known and versatile, has a strong and distinctive smell, belonging to the family of sesame, the different parts of coriander are used, the fruit of coriander contains dry seeds and used as spices to add to food to give flavor and  delicious taste, its leaves are used to decorate some dishes before serving them to eat, the most prominent of these dishes are salad and syrups, and coriander is a type of spices available all year long, used for its aromatic flavor in foods, coriander is an essential ingredient in Indian foods, go into the preparation of mostly, coriander stalk is cut and added to syrups and cooked meat.

Healthy sources of coriander:

The health benefits of coriander come from being rich in many nutrients and minerals, especially iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, as well as vitamins, most notably vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K and coriander is now involved in the preparation of many recipes Herbal used in the treatment of several conditions; see the health benefits of Ziziphus tree products.

Health benefits of coriander and its uses:

Coriander helps in improving digestion, preventing heart palpitations and strengthening it, beneficial in sores and itching, reducing joint pain, preventing thirst and vomiting. When mixing coriander with star anise strengthens the stomach, outs worms and helps to sleep quiet when getting a lot of this.
Coriander treats some cases of uterine fall, expels gases, removes disorders, it is considered antifungal and anti some types of bacteria, chewing coriander leaves helps removing the comfort of the mouth, especially the smell of onions and garlic.
Coriander is useful in reducing the frequency of urination and drip, and in the treatment of allergies and skin infections. It also reduces blood sugar levels, rid the body of toxins, and works to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, stimulates liver function, strengthens the immune system, and generates milk for breastfeeding, and treats menorrhagia. It also contributes to solving many of the sexual problems experienced by men.

How to use coriander to remove gases:

Put a spoonful of coriander seeds or leaves in a glass of water and leave to soak for some time and drink this infusion before eating, it helps to reduce gases and facilitates digestion, as well as relieves menstrual pain, and this infusion is also given to infants in order to relieve the pain of gases in them.
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