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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Medicinal properties of Leptadenia hastata;

Agro ecology of Leptadenia hastata, Wild famine foods Leptadenia hastata, Growing Leptadenia hastata, Traditional uses of Leptadenia hastata;

Nutritional value of Leptadenia hastata;

The plant of Leptadenia hastata;

Leptadenia hastata; "Sapatooyi in the Peulh language" is a climber and creeping plant with alternate acuminate leaves that produces soft stems and becoming woody at the base. Young shoots spreading into the air with long internodes. The leaves are up to 10 cm long, mostly ovate, light green, and the flowers are cream or yellowish green, whereas the fruits are two valves, conical, dehiscing to release cottony winged seeds, when crushed the plant exudes sticky sap. See the virtue of Calotropis procera.

Agro ecology of Leptadenia hastata:

Leptadenia hastata is typically grown in tropical dry lands, sandy soil, lowland bush, riverside, bush land and forests. The plant prostrates in open area or climbs on bushes or on everything about. The plant has ability to continue growing in harsh and dry conditions, while other plants are dying. Leptadenia hastata propagates by seeds.

Wild famine foods Leptadenia hastata:

Leptadenia hastata is edible non domesticated vegetable, and it is collected in wild land. The plant is a valuable herb with creeping latex stems, glabrescent leaves, and racemes flowers, as well as follicle fruits. Leptadenia hastata is considered as a real famine food, it provides food security during seasonal changes, or destitute people. The plant is commonly harvested from the wild as local food, and is frequently eaten by people who are in short vegetables, even when other food is available; it is used medicinally in many areas.

Growing Leptadenia hastata:

Leptadenia hastata is a plant of semi arid areas in tropics; it is a drought tolerant and can be established in poor soil conditions. The plant is not generally cultivated, but it can be sown by its seeds along the fences of the farms and gardens. Its tolerance of drought, insects and poor soil conditions makes it the wonderful one. Some farmers grow the species on the homestead fence so that they have the food ready available.

Nutritional value of Leptadenia hastata:

Leptadenia hastata is an edible uses, the young leaves and young shoots are cooked and added to soups. The chopped and boiled leaves are mixed with beans, cowpeas or pigeon peas. Raw leaves of Leptadenia hastata are rich in vitamin A, and they contain carbohydrates, proteins, ash and oil. The plant contains as well many mineral foods such as, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorous, iron and amino acids. Flowers can be cooked and added to soups, their taste is good.

Medicinal properties of Leptadenia hastata:

Leptadenia hastata is a milky sap plant that makes it to being used in the treatment of a wide range of ailments. The plant is very strong diuretic and stimulates the flow of urine.
Leptadenia hastata is used with a range of other plants to treat various conditions, which includes suckling babies who have green diarrhea, for the vein troubles like varicose veins, bleeding and painful hemorrhoids, poisonings, anuran, syphilis, leprosy, etc.
The plant is used to treat panacea, combined with the root of smilax, it treats for tertiary syphilis. The latex and its derivatives possess anti inflammatory activity, and puts on the wounds to accelerate the healing.
The sap is put in the nose as a treatment for head pains; and the sap or the root in decoction is used for treating ophthalmic.
The plant root macerate is taken to treat anuran or constipation. The powdered roots in water are taken as a stomachic.
The macerate or decoction of whole plant is used to treat urethral discharges, and abdominal complaints.
The macerate or decoction of the leaves is used to remedy a lack of breast milk, impotence, gonorrhea and stomachache in children.

Traditional uses of Leptadenia hastata:

Leptadenia hastata is often used for hypertension, catarrh, skin diseases, wound healing, rheumatism, diabetes, prostate complaints, and as well as an aphrodisiac or sexual potency by chewing the leaves. Different parts are used in traditional medicine, including the leaves, latex, roots, and even the whole plant. Leptadenia hastata is an antimicrobial, an anti-inflammatory plant.
Sapatoyi or Leptadenia hastata
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