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Friday, December 14, 2018

Medicinal properties of Calotropis procera;

Appearance of Calotropis procera leaves, Flower of Calotropis procera, Various Uses of Calotropis procera; Calotropis procera wood uses and precaution to take;

Calotropis procera tree of thousand virtues;

Calotropis procera a pasture plant;

Calotropis procera or Sodom Apple; «kupampami in Peulh language» is a very common shrub or small tree in the arid regions of Africa and the Middle East, especially in the low lands. This shrub reaches more than 2 meters, and often at a maximum height of 6 meters. The trunk is simple, without lower branches, covered with a yellowish bark cracked. The twigs are tomatoes to glabrescent or white hairs. See also the virtues of Mitragyna Inermis.

Aspect of Calotropis procera Leaves:  

The plant of Calotropis procera is distinguished from most trees by its leaves, which are very large, and can reach up to 30 centimeters, green in color, lighter on the underside, opposite, simple, corded at the base, bearing a white down when they are young. All parts of the plant exude white latex at the slightest break, toxic to the mucous membranes. At the beginning of spring the tree deposits at its foot a deposit of grains of sugar, very popular with nomadic children, thus used to sweet tea and herbal tea. Bees provide the honey that people find by cracking hollow stems, dark aspects, and gingerbread taste.

Flower of Calotropis procera:

Appearance of a chalice with 5 lobes welded at the base, white in color with brittle at extremities, purple and violet. Flowering occurs in the dry season. The plant produces fruits and seeds. The fruit is an oat follicle with a thick pulp, the fruit is fibrous, and it is the fibers that contain the seeds. Very strong fibers are also used.

Medicinal properties of Calotropis procera:

The medicinal properties of this shrub are numerous. The roots would be diuretic. The leaves are used as dewormers and anti-emetic. The sun-dried fruit, calcified and then mixed with Shea butter is a very good remedy against ringworm and dermatitis. Latex is widely used in traditional medicine; it would cure camel wounds, or rid the animals of their ticks.

Various uses of Calotropis procera:

Calotropis procera is toxic in all its parts, including its latex, which does not prevent him from having many uses, including medicinal uses. Indeed, this shrub is both very toxic and very useful. The bark and the crushed branches make it possible to curdle the milk. The latex contains a dangerous cardiotoxique, and used for making of poisoned arrows. Goats, sheep and cows eat its dried leaves and flowers. The plant is given to the goats that have just given birth to provide more milk.

Calotropis procera wood uses:

The wood is used for making huts or roofs, it is also used for fishing floaters or saddles, and also the wood was used to light the fire by splitting the wood and rubbing it with other hardwoods to make a flock, then it produces sparks that light the flock. This shrub is a popular fuel whose smoke allows the drying of fish. So Calotropis procera is a tree with a thousand virtues, but dangerous.

Precaution to take of Calotropis procera:

Be careful not to touch the hands that touched the plant to the eyes, because you can become blind.
This is the plant of Calotropis procera
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