The needs of the sportsman, food needs, a balanced diet;
The role of dietary supplement in sport;
How to make a balanced diet;
The diet is essential for athletes;
it is about preparing a competition, but also on a daily basis to optimize the provided efforts.
In addition, intense physical activity increases the body's need for antioxidant vitamins and
minerals. These nutrients could indeed reduce the aches due to exercise and limit the damage
to tissues and joints caused by free radicals.
The balanced diet:
People who play sports on a regular and sustained basis should ideally distribute
their caloric intake as follows:
50 to 60% of carbohydrates, at least half of which come from whole grains, pulses or
starches because they are fuels; privileged of muscle, and the energy they release is easily
used for muscular work; up to 15% of quality protein needed for cell renewal;
25 to 30% of lipids, thus approximately 80 to 100 g of fat in a 3000 kcal diet,
most of vegetable origin as olive oils, avocado oils and oilseeds such as nuts, hazelnuts etc.
or from oily fish.
The needs of the athlete:
When you make a lot of physical effort, the body temperature increases and the
mechanisms of perspiration are triggered. If the loss of water is not compensated,
the performance decreases. The body assimilates faster the water if it is added a little salt
and sugar but it should be known that an excess of salt and / or sugar has the opposite
effect and can even cause cramps abdominal.
A special sport drink can be prepared by diluting fruit juice or pressed fruit in twice
its volume of water, and adding 1 to 1.5 g of salt per liter. Some energy drinks sold
commercially contain simple sugars such as glucose and supplements of minerals and
vitamins. They prove to be useful during an intensive training or the long duration.
Avoid caffeine, which accelerates the loss of water in the form of urine and can cause
an unnecessary acceleration of the heart rate.
Food needs among athletes:
- Supplements can be beneficial, especially if they are mineralsalts, because they are largely eliminated by perspiration. However, excess nutritional supplements no longer improve performance, and may even have a negative impact on results.
- Be sure to take moderate doses on medical advice.
- By stimulating connective tissue resistance, vitamin C can limit the effects of injury.
- Vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin B3, and selenium help reduce tissue damage due to exercise and maintain performance.
- A balanced intake of Sodium and Potassium optimizes the distribution of fluids within cells, intercellular tissues and in the blood system.
- These mineral salts are necessary for muscular work and prevent cramps, they are eliminated by perspiration.
- Essential for bones, calcium and magnesium promote muscle contraction and relaxation.
- Hard-working athletes must consume a large quantity of foods rich in magnesium, because this mineral salt is eliminated by perspiration.
- Iron is needed to regenerate damaged or eliminated red blood cells during physical exercise.
- A deficit results in a lack of resistance and greater fatigue.
- Silicon improves the flexibility of the tissues.
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