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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Why did coups return to the African continent?

What are the reasons for returning coups in African Continent?

Why do African people support coups against elected presidents?

Several African countries, especially the Francophone, have witnessed military coups in recent years, especially in the year 2022, which makes people wonder about the reasons that lead to the return of coups, after thinking that these countries will be able to establish strong constitutional democratic systems.

After independence for more than 60 years, the majority of African countries have not been able to establish strong and viable constitutional institutions. While all of these countries have organized presidential and parliamentary elections in the past years. However, these elections were lacking of transparency and justice and were only able to form an army of sycophants and braggarts who hover around the elected president and share him with the plundering of the country's riches and stay betraying the opposition, as well as, fighting against those who express the different opinions about the ruling of the country. These benefactors spread the poison of division and exclusion in the president's ear, telling him that these people are collaborative opposition and are a danger to the country.

The majority of the elected regimes in Africa could not able to exploit the many natural resources of their countries. Rather remained dependent on foreign companies that always take the lion's share of the production revenues. In addition, these regimes never think about the fair distribution of the country's wealth to the citizens, but rather consider it as his and his family's property and give its crumbs to their cronies.

The majority of elected regimes in Africa are not caring about investing in the human resources of their people. As well as, never making vocational training capable of creating job opportunities for their citizens. Whereas, relied on foreign experts, leaving their youth in poverty and unemployment, without a promised future, while fueling tribal and regional strife inspired by the theory of divide to rule.

A new phenomenon has emerged in recent years, which is the phenomenon of youth revolutions and rebellion against regimes under the cover of jihad. One of the most important reasons for armed rebellion is the failure of elected regimes in African countries to create job opportunities to employ young people and give them a good future to form families and opportunities to participate in building the nation. The failure and incompetence of the dictatorial rulers force the youth to take up arms fighting against the beneficent ruling clique in many African countries.

It is not surprising that citizens support the coup against the president whom they elected after they saw him as a complete failure in ruling the country and managing its economic resources, where the prevailing was looting, plundering, and clinging to power.

It is well known that countries in which coups occur frequently, are failed states in the full sense of the word and do not have a promising future in the near future, because when the military tastes power, it will never leave it. Thegenerals in Africa are nothing but the generals of the presidential chairs

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