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Thursday, October 22, 2015

The benefits of mineral salt Chlorine;

Food sources, deficient intake, useful supplement of mineral salt Chlorine;

Can an excess of chlorine to be toxic?

Associated with potassium and sodium, chlorine controls the passage of liquids in the blood vessels and cells, and regulates the acidity in the body. It is also an important element of the cerebrospinal fluid and hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach for digestion.

Food sources of chlorine:

One of the main sources is the salt table, but chlorine is also present in some edible seaweed and in most plant foods, like potatoes, fresh vegetables, cereals. Widely used in sewage water including chlorination processes, it evaporates as gas when boiling the tap water.

Deficient intake of chlorine:

If deficit contribution, very rare, chlorine deficiency is mainly found in cases of prolonged vomiting. They can cause excessive urinary loss of potassium, causing muscle weakness and sometimes a drop in blood pressure.

Chlorine useful addition:

A supplement may be helpful, if the losses exceed the chlorine intake through diet, for example in case of important sweating, diarrhea or vomiting.

Excess of chlorine:

An excess can it be toxic? Any excess of chlorine is not toxic, because the surplus is rapidly eliminated in the urine.
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