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Monday, November 4, 2013

The benefit of organic fertilizers;

What is the benefit of Organic fertilizers?

Where to find the organic fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer, there are many sources of organic fertilizer, but their commons are that they all come from either the animals or vegetables origins.

Compost fertilizer

Composting is a natural process that turns organic material into a dark rich substance, which is called compost or humus and is a wonderful conditioner and fertilizer for soils. 

Benefit of organic fertilizer:

1.    Organic matter is known as the soul of a healthy soil.
2.    Adding compost to soil helps plants to grow bigger and better.
3.    Also the organic matter support soil to hold and reserve nutrients and water.
4.    Organic matter’s action benefits the plants, whereas reduces the risk of pollution.  

Low cost fertilizer

Using compost as a soil conditioner or mulch reduces the need to purchase the industrial fertilizers that are harmful to the soil and the environment.

Sanitation condition

Composting is a good alternative to land filling or incinerating, suitable to convert the garden and the livestock wastes into rich dark humus and useful matter, which can be used back to fertilize the garden and the field crops. While the choice to compost decreases the need to burn or bury the organic material and increases the precious topsoil.

Organic matter that is not convenient to compost

While anything that once alive can be composted, but some items are not suitable for composting and then have to be avoided, such as:
1.    Wastes that attract pests.
2.    Insect ridden plants.
3.    Fatty, grease, oil, food that may attract rodents.
4.    Cat and dog wastes should be avoided as they can spread certain diseases.
5.    Heavily diseased plants or pest infested, wood ash.
6.    As well as weed seeds and rhizomes.
7.    Fish scraps, meat and dairy products.

Suitable organic matter for composting:

1.    Grass clippings and pruning.
2.    Fruits and vegetables, houseplants.
3.    Manure of cows, horses, pigs, chicken or rabbit.
4.    Kitchen scraps like stale, bread, egg shells, coffee, tea, bags, fruit and vegetable peels.
5.    Citrus rinds, Leaves, barks, straws, wood chips, sawdust.
6.    Shredded newspapers, chopped brushes, corn stalks.
7.    All these and many other organic matters are some kinds of raw materials of valuable fertilizers that should be really exploited, not only to find renewable sources for the agriculture fertilizers, but also to help the soil and then the environment, and to combat the negative outcomes of industrial fertilizers.
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